Our bodies are like kinked hoses. Practice could be described as a more and more subtle process of learning to unkink the hose. We become channels for light. But the problem is that we can’t feel. We especially can’t feel in our daily lives, walking around and interacting with others and working. So at first we dramatically simplify the stimulation and become still, learn to feel, feel, feel, and be real in this nonlinear sensing.  As we do this, naturally we begin to quiet down, as we begin to discover so much going on that we could not feel before, an inner blossoming, eddies, dams being slowly broken down.  And in that feeling, our awareness begins to naturally be able to track subtle vectors, which we never could feel before.  Ideas of it cannot reach it, and slowly our way of being shifts and is overthrown by this conveyor belt of transformation.

Gradually the main conversation becomes the direct experience of this natural internal movement.  And in that, primordial principles begin to digest, marinate, actualize.  Insights begin to emerge spontaneously.

Deeper states of mind naturally begin to emerge as our focus deepens. Great tides of movement begin to spring up, samadhi is a matter of course as the body and the entire being unify.  

What we thought of as a purely physical process begins to melt into deeper aspects, and we find our awareness of inside and outside, self and other melting, becoming permeable.  What we thought of as our bodies, ourselves dramatically shifts and deepens. 

Our true nature is there pulling us into it like a black hole. The whole thing is trying to happen, but we can’t feel it, don’t believe it. Don’t have enough faith. But to feel this, to allow it to happen requires an incredible amount of focus and feeling and honesty, but not force. This is where phrases like “shatter our bones”, “swallow up the whole ocean” come from. But quite unexpectedly this requires no force.  Once this process is begun, there is no turning back.  But we see that it is all trying to happen, the universe is doing it. This changes everything. Instead of praying to a God or the universe, we are listening to God and being guided.  This process takes over, and at some point, bursts, and the bottom drops out of the bucket and we are forever changed. 

Then, our practice becomes about actualizing this new fresh way of being. This is a long long fermentation, and gradually we are able to function in a mature way in this connected coalesced liberated world of fascination and play.  

I pray that all of you feeling the call, the urgency of realizing your true nature will drop all of your filters and bare all to this process, do the real cellular work of learning the topography of relating to life, and touch the source of everything, at least once. Then fundamentally you will never doubt again.

Happy New Year from my family and the entire Energy Collective Community!